Live with the indigenous people of the Amazon and support their development projects
Macas, Amazon 4 weeks - 12 months
Volunteer project: In the Amazon, there are communities and ecological reserves which are protected by the natives, where volunteers can help with reforestation, agriculture, environmental protection and community tasks. This program is dedicated to true nature lovers who want to experience an eco-adventure and who would be willing to adapt to the modest accommodation offered by these communities. Our mission is to preserve the biodiversity and the natural resources with the local inhabitants for the benefit of the current and future generations.
The volunteers will have the opportunity to learn about the jungle during their stay: they can learn how to catch birds or other forest animals in a survival situation, to fish, to travel by canoe, to prepare food from the jungle, will take part in night hikes through the jungle, will learn about medicinal plant cultivation. Participants will also have the opportunity to learn about the traditions, customs and culture of the Shuar people.
The volunteers will help in the communities with the construction or renovation of infrastructure: building houses, path cleaning with machete, construction of latrines, reforestation and agriculture, as well as handicrafts in the afternoons. During the school year (from September to June), the volunteers can assist in the schools nearby, teaching basic English lessons to the kids.
Special requirements: Basic Spanish is needed to communicate with the natives because although the communities' native languages are Kichwa, Shuar, and Ashuar, they also understand Spanish.
Language: English / Spanish
Duration of the project: The program is running from January 2nd to December 23rd. Minimum time for volunteering is 4 weeks, up to 12 months.
Accommodation: The volunteers will be staying at the native’s chozas (houses), which have very simple infrastructure; there are latrines near the houses. Access to water, showers, electricity or telecommunications may be unavailable. Volunteers can enjoy swimming in the nearby river and showering in the waterfall. The basic local diet includes papayas, bananas, and bitter cane, cooked with leaves, noodles, tuna fish, and a special kind of fried bread made with flour.
There is no running water, but we will collect fresh water from a spring. In the project, there's no cell phone coverage or internet, but these services are accessible in a two-hour bus ride to Macas, the capital of the province.
Location: Our destination is located in the head of the Amazon Basin, in Taisha Canton in the Province of Morona Santiago, near the capital city Macas and one of the Shuar communities. The project takes place in the Kutukú-Shaimi Forest - protected land which belong to the Shuar people. This is a very beautiful natural area, an ideal placement for volunteers who can adapt to life with very limited comfort.
Age range: 18 and over
Participation fee: $690
Extra fee: $500 US for 4 weeks
The extra fee is intended to support the local host of the project who does not have sufficient funds. It is due upon arrival.
Animal rescue program at Morona Santiago Zoo
Morona Santiago 4 weeks - 12 months
Volunteer project: In this project, volunteers will support a little zoo, located near Macas in Morona Santiago in the Amazon region. The zoo started in early 2006 as a "rescue center" for wild species to respond to the inadequate treatment of these animals who were hunted and sold to citizens as pets, were hold captive in confined spaces with inadequate diet, hygiene, etc. That was the reason to create the center to rescue mammals, reptiles, birds, etc. We started with the rescue of a tapir (Tapirus terrestris). In April of 2006 a 7-month old male jaguar (Panthera onca) was brought from San José de Morona. Other animals were brought to the Center by the Ministry of Environment or individuals. This led to the need of a larger area where to build dens for each animal and provide the right habitat.
We need volunteers to ameliorate the difficult economic situation of the zoo due to the lack of involvement of local institutions and the government. If you want to help us feed the animals, care for them and learn about them, you are welcome to this project.
The activities carried out at the zoo are: Preparation of food for the animals; Washing and chopping fruit; Placing containers for animal feed; Cleaning dens; Weeding and maintaining the dens; Composting organic wastes; Fertilizing ornamental, medicinal and fruit plants that are part of the recreational area; Placing signs and maintaining the ecological trail; Guidance for visitors and tourists.
Language: English / Spanish
Duration of the project: The project is running all year round. Minimum commitment required is 4 weeks, up to 12 months.
Accommodation: Accommodation is provided in the project house.
Location: The project takes place in the head of the Amazon Basin, in the Province of Morona Santiago, near Macas, the capital of the province.
Age range: 18 and over
Participation fee: $690
Extra fee: $500 US for 4 weeks
The extra fee is intended to support the local host of the project who does not have sufficient funds. It is due upon arrival.
Support the operation and conservation efforts of the Azuay animal shelter
Azuay 4 weeks - 12 months
Volunteer project: The animal shelter is located in the Province of Azuay and it has about 600 animals. We are looking for volunteers who have interest and motivation to learn about the various animals and plants, and good will to help the animals and the staff.
The animal shelter has ocelots, penguins, blue footed boobies, tapir, buffalo, deer, ostriches, yamalas (small deer) cuchuchos, variety of birds, alligators, peacocks, turtles, etc. Initially there were just 5 deer and a capuchin monkey, but the number of animals increased as people donated wild animals they used to keep in their homes. The shelter only receives donated animals; it never buys animals as the sale or purchase of wild animals is prohibited in Ecuador.
The project activities will be coordinated by the staff of the animal shelter. The volunteers will be involved in the work of the different departments: Education; Animal and plant management; Research and conservation; Maintenance and construction.
Volunteers' tasks include: Preparation of food for the animals; Washing and chopping fruit; Placing containers for animal feed; Cleaning dens; Weeding and maintaining the dens; Composting organic wastes; Fertilizing ornamental, medicinal and fruit plants that are part of the recreational area; Placing signs and maintaining the ecological trail; Guiding visitors and tourists.
Language: English / Spanish
Duration of the project: The project is running all year round. Minimum commitment required is 4 weeks, up to 12 months.
Accommodation: Accommodation is provided in a modest volunteer house near the zoo.
Location: Province of Azuay, near Cuenca, the capital city. Cuenca is the most beautiful city of Ecuador, with all public services.
Age range: 18 and over
Participation fee: $690
Extra fee: $500 US for 4 weeks
The extra fee is intended to support the local host of the project who does not have sufficient funds. It is due upon arrival.
Support the educational programs of rural schools in Ecuador
Coast, Highlands and Amazon 5 - 10 months
Volunteer project: Volunteers are needed nationwide to teach English. Based on the volunteer’s skills and education, it is also possible to volunteer as teachers’ aid for subjects like Math, World History, Environment, Grammar, Science, etc. This project offers the opportunity for volunteers to assist students of Elementary Schools located in rural areas, where access to English teachers is limited.
The volunteer work consists in teaching basic English and Environmental lessons in rural schools with no resources, from the Coast, Highlands and Amazon. To those who have good level of Spanish, we offer to assist the children who have learning problems helping them in reading, writing, grammar, mathematics in the afternoons after school (mainly in the schools from the Coast). The schools do not have didactic materials for English lessons; volunteers are responsible to prepare these materials for the benefit of the schools, to prepare exams and evaluations, as well as, for each grade, a report about the students' achievements and goals must be given to the Principals of the schools.
Special requirements: Basic knowledge of Spanish is required.
Language: English / Spanish
Duration of the project: Minimum time for volunteering is 5 months, up to 10 months. Volunteers can apply for the following periods:
In the Highlands and the Amazon: from September to the end of June;
In the Coastal region: from May to the end of January.
Accommodation: Volunteers will be placed in host families.
Location: The placements are in the Highlands (Quito and Cayambe in Pichincha Province; Riobamba in Chimborazo Province), the Coast (Esmeraldas in Esmeraldas Province; Chugchilan and Palo Quemado in Cotopaxi Province) and the Amazon (near Tena in Napo Province).
Age range: 18 and over
Participation fee: $690
Extra fee: $400 US for 4 weeks
The extra fee is intended to support the local host of the project who does not have sufficient funds. It is due upon arrival.
Education and therapy for special needs children in Quito
Quito 3 - 12 months
Volunteer project: Within this program, international volunteers will support children with disabilities. The school offers programs for children to prepare them for their future and to teach them how to become independent individuals. The aim of the project is to provide education to children with motor disabilities and to facilitate the acquisition of skills and their integration into society. Volunteers interested in this project will need to stay a minimum of 3 months, in order to follow up with the children’s progress.
The volunteers will assist the teachers in providing physical therapy, language therapy, counseling, pre-employment training, sports and recreation to the children. Volunteers will be taking care of the children, playing and teaching them new games. The volunteers will also help the children during lunch time, helping them to learn how to eat by themselves.
Special requirements: Basic knowledge of Spanish is required.
Language: English / Spanish
Duration of the project: Minimum time for volunteering is 12 weeks, up to 12 months.
Accommodation: Accommodation is provided in local host families.
Location: Quito is the capital city of Ecuador. It is a developing city with more than 2.5 million people. It is located in a valley surrounded by mountains at 2850 meters above sea level.
Quito is a city rich in history and culture. It has the largest and best preserved historic center in Latin America. The monument of the Middle of the World is located in Quito, as well as many other tourist and gastronomic attractions.
Age range: 18 and over
Participation fee: $690
Extra fee: $400 US for 4 weeks
The extra fee is intended to support the local host of the project who does not have sufficient funds. It is due upon arrival.
Providing early learning and care for children in community day care centers
Quito 1 - 12 months
Volunteer project: The community childcare centers provide a warm and loving atmosphere for children from 6 months to 3 years old, and support their physical, emotional, social and intellectual growth.
The volunteers will assist the teachers in the centers in providing educational and recreational activities for the children, and will help in the nutrition program with food preparation and food preservation. The volunteers will also assist in the maintenance and cleaning of the center, lounges, dining room, bathrooms, green spaces, etc. The international volunteers are expected to enrich the program with new multicultural experiences for children, parents and community assistants, as well as new knowledge about gastronomy and nutrition. Volunteers are encouraged to draw on their own childhood experiences to come up with ideas for fun and play activities for the children.
Special requirements: Basic knowledge of Spanish is required.
Language: English / Spanish
Duration of the project: The project is running all year round. Minimum commitment required is 1 month, up to 12 months.
Accommodation: Accommodation is provided in local host families.
Location: Quito is the capital city of Ecuador. It is a developing city with more than 2.5 million people. It is located in a valley surrounded by mountains at 2850 meters above sea level.
Quito is a city rich in history and culture. It has the largest and best preserved historic center in Latin America. The monument of the Middle of the World is located in Quito, as well as many other tourist and gastronomic attractions.
Age range: 18 and over
Participation fee: $690
Extra fee: $400 US/4 weeks
The extra fee is intended to support the local host of the project who does not have sufficient funds. It is due upon arrival.